Import your mp4 video file from any app or cloud storage system. Other supported video formats include m4v, mov and avi.
Select from more than 120 languages and dialects.
Your mp4 transcription will be ready in no time! Make yourself a well-deserved cup of tea and we’ll send you a notification when the transcription is complete.
Proofread and polish the transcription in our app, online or in your preferred file format. Export the file to TXT, or upgrade to PRO to export to PDF, DOCX, SRT and JPG.
Choose from 120 languages and dialects, including:
US English
UK English
Spanish (Spain)
Spanish (Mexican)
Spanish (Colombian)
Traditional Chinese
How do I convert mp4 to text?
Use our application or web service to upload file and wait 10-15 minutes for result. That is easy!
How can I convert YouTube mp4 to a text file?
Use our application or web service to upload file and wait 10-15 minutes for result and export in TXT format. That is easy!
How do I convert an mp4 to a text file on a MacBook?
Use our application or web service to upload file and wait 10-15 minutes for result and export in TXT format. That is easy!
How do I convert mp4 to text for free?
We provide transcription of the first 15 minutes of your audio for free to test the quality and accuracy of our transcription service, so you can see for yourself whether it fits your needs.
You could then complete the rest of the transcription yourself, or buy credit for $5/hour (or save money and get 10 hours for $30).
Our PRO service is $14.99 a month, which gets you 5 hours of transcription time a month, plus a range of other benefits.