5 Essential Zapier x Transcribe Automations for Podcasters

5 Essential Zapier x Transcribe Automations for Podcasters

When it comes to podcasting, a lot goes on behind the scenes. From recording and editing to publishing and promoting, the process demands a considerable amount of time and effort. One of the most time-consuming tasks is transcribing your episodes, particularly when you're regularly posting new episodes. Nevertheless, it's a crucial step for accessibility and content repurposing.

Fortunately, the new Zapier x Transcribe integration is on hand to simplify this aspect of podcasting by automating the transcription process from start to finish.

Let's explore the top 5 automations for streamlining your podcast transcription process.

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1. Automate uploads from cloud storage to Transcribe

Chances are that you use cloud storage for storing your podcast recordings. It's an easy way to ensure everyone involved in the production has access to the final recording, and it safeguards against accidental deletion. However, manually transferring audio files from services like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and iCloud to your transcription service can disrupt your workflow when you're busy with other tasks.

The Zapier x Transcribe integration simplifies this process by automating the transfer, ensuring your recordings are quickly and effortlessly sent for transcription. Simply set up a Zap so that new audio files saved in cloud storage are automatically sent to Transcribe.

Here's an example of that automation:

  • Trigger: A new podcast recording is saved in Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud, or OneDrive

Action: The recording is automatically uploaded to Transcribe for transcription

Find out more about how to automate transcription with Zapier x Transcribe

2. Automate uploads from email to Transcribe

If you regularly receive the final version of podcast recordings via email, managing these files can be a hassle too. Manually downloading and uploading audio files for transcription takes up valuable time that could be better spent on planning and creating your next episode.

With the Zapier x Transcribe integration, you can automate this process. Simply set up a Zap to automatically upload email attachments directly to Transcribe. That way, whenever a new audio file attachment arrives, Zapier will instantly upload it to Transcribe for transcription. You don't need to do anything, simply let the integration work its magic.

Here's an example of that automation:

  • Trigger: A new podcast recording is received via Gmail

  • Action: The recording is automatically uploaded to Transcribe for transcription

3. Save completed transcripts to cloud storage

Once your podcast episodes are transcribed, the next step is making these transcripts accessible to your team. This is crucial in the world of podcasting because multiple team members, including editors, marketers, and writers, all need access to the content. Editors need to check the accuracy of the transcripts, marketers use them for promotion, and writers use them to repurpose the podcast into additional content like blogs or social media posts.

Find out more about the benefits of podcast transcription

Thanks to the Transcribe x Zapier integration, you can create a Zap to automatically upload completed podcast transcripts to a specific folder in your preferred cloud storage service. As soon as a transcript is ready in Transcribe, it will be instantly sent to that folder. This automation not only saves you time but also keeps your transcripts neatly organized in one central location, for easy access and enhanced collaboration.

Here's what this automation looks like:

  • Trigger: A transcription is completed in Transcribe

  • Action: The completed transcript is automatically saved to a designated folder in Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive

4. Distribute completed transcripts via email

Keeping your team updated with the latest podcast transcripts via email can be a time-consuming and error-prone task. It's easy to accidentally send the file to the wrong person, forget to include someone, or not get around to sending it until it's too late.

Instead, set up a Zap to automatically email the completed transcript to your team as soon as it's ready. This ensures that everyone who needs access to the transcript receives it promptly, eliminating the risk of mistakes or delays.

Here's what this automation looks like:

  • Trigger: A transcription is completed in Transcribe.

  • Action: The completed transcript is automatically sent to your team via Gmail, Outlook, or other email services

Find out more about how to automate transcription distribution with Zapier x Transcribe

5. Create new tasks for transcription review in your project management software

In podcasting, project management tools like Trello, Monday.com, and Asana are essential for managing episode schedules, coordinating editing tasks, and organizing promotional activities. They keep everything on track and ensure that all aspects of your production are completed on time.

The Transcribe x Zapier integration allows you to automate the creation of new tasks - specifically for transcription review - in these tools whenever a new file is added to Transcribe for transcription. Each task can include relevant details such as the file name, a link to the transcription, the team member assigned for review, and the deadline.

This automation ensures that your transcription review process is seamlessly integrated into your overall production workflow, so that an accurate transcript is ready on time to be posted alongside your latest episode.

Here's an example of this automation:

  • Trigger: A new podcast recording is uploaded to Transcribe for transcription

  • Action: A new task is created in Asana, Trello, or Monday.com to review the transcript once it's completed

How to set up podcast transcription automations with Zapier and Transcribe

It's quick and easy to set up automations. Here's how to get started:

1. Open Zapier and search for Transcribe and the other app you'd like to connect it with

2. Pick one of the apps as a trigger to kick start your automation (e.g. you receive an email in Gmail or a new transcript is ready in Transcribe)

3. Choose a resulting action (e.g. the audio file is uploaded to Transcribe or the new transcript is uploaded to your desired cloud storage service)

Et voila, you're ready to automate your podcast transcription workflow.

Final thoughts

Thanks to the new Zapier x Transcribe integration, podcast production teams can enjoy a streamlined transcription workflow. From importing audio files from cloud storage and distributing completed transcripts to updating project management tools with new review tasks, this integration can save you valuable time and boost overall productivity in your podcast production process.

Connect Zapier with Transcribe to get started.

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