How ChatGPT Can Be Used for Podcasting

6 Ways to Use ChatGPT for Your Podcasts

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. Since the launch of the mind-blowingly sophisticated chatbot in 2022, it's been a hot topic of conversation across pretty much every industry, including the podcasting industry.

And while there's a whole lot of fear and worry about what it could mean for the future of jobs (and humankind for that matter), there's also a lot of excitement about how it can be used for podcasting.

So how exactly can you use this remarkable chatbot for your podcast?

I'm glad you asked! In this guide I've outlined six examples of how ChatGPT can be used for podcasting. But first, let's take a closer look at what ChatGPT actually is.

What is ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a powerful AI chatbot that engages in human-like dialogue based on a prompt, given by you. It's designed to respond in a natural, intuitive way, answer follow-up questions, challenge incorrect premises, and even admit when it makes a mistake.

It's much like using Google to search for a question, but instead of working your way through the search results, ChatGPT provides a response there and then in a friendly, chatty, and creative manner, explaining itself in a human-like way.

ChatGPT is currently free to try out during the research phase, so there's no time like the present to give it a go!

How ChatGPT can be used for podcasting

When it comes to podcasts, ChatGPT can be used in a variety of ways. In theory, you could ask it to write an entire podcast script for you! But while the results from the chatbot are undeniably impressive, the scripts they come up with feel somewhat flat, predictable, and - dare I say it - robotic. In short, they lack that all-important human touch.

But there are a whole host of other ways that ChatGPT can be used for podcasting, from idea generation to carrying out research. Let's take a look at six ways you could use the chatbot for your podcasts.

1. Coming up with ideas for topics

ChatGPT can come up with infinite podcast ideas for you. When I tested by searching for podcast ideas about music, I had to click "stop generating" or it would have kept on going! Here are the suggestions it gave me:

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It doesn't just generate a title, it goes a step further and provides a description of exactly what the episode could entail and the type of guest you could invite on to the show.

You can be as specific and niche as you want with your requests, and even if the ideas aren't perfect, they can certainly act as a starting point.

2. Generating ideas for guests

Speaking of guests, ChatGPT can also help to come up with ideas for guests you could invite on to your show. And not just the type of guest, actual specific individuals! Here's an example:

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The results took a little while to load (I went pretty niche after all), but there were eight in total and all very relevant.

3. Helping with ideas for interview questions

Once your guest is booked, you can use ChatGPT to help you come up with interesting podcast interview questions:

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At the end of its reply, the chatbot even gave me some advice about tailoring the questions to specific guests, as well as asking follow-up questions.

4. Carrying out top-level research

Using ChatGPT to help with top-level research can save you a lot of time digging through search results trying to find exactly what you're looking for. ChatGPT does that hard work for you, searching through thousands of sources to find relevant information. It then presents it in an accessible way.

For example, if I were doing a podcast series on food delicacies around the world, I could ask it to help me come up with ideas for each country:

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While ChatGPT is incredibly helpful for top-level research, it doesn't guarantee that all its responses are entirely accurate. And if you ask something it can't answer, it may well go ahead and make something up, so make sure you fact check everything before including it in your show.

5. Drafting your podcast show notes

Every podcast needs show notes to accompany it, and ChatGPT can be used to help generate these summaries. Either upload your podcast transcription, or type out a brief description that ChatGPT can bring to life.

This will generally act as a draft rather than a finished product, but it's great for giving you some inspiration and a rough outline that you can edit as you wish.

Check out the difference between the first summary and the second - where I asked for something more "exciting".

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Have a play around with the chatbot and see what you can generate!

6. Creating social content to publicize your podcast

In a similar vein, you can also ask ChatGPT to create a tweet or Instagram caption, either by uploading your show notes or simply by asking it. As you'll see from the example below, the more detailed you are with your request, the better the outcome. But this will generally still act as a first draft rather than a finished product:

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So there you have it - six brilliant ways to use the ChatGPT chatbot for your podcast. For more help and advice on launching and promoting your podcast, check out the rest of our podcast guides!

Written By Katie Garrett

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