How to Summarize Transcripts Using Transcribe

How to summarize transcripts using Transcribe

Ever feel overwhelmed by lengthy transcripts and wish you could get straight to the point? Whether you're a busy professional, a diligent student, or a hard-working content creator, wading through pages of notes or hours of recordings can be a real time sink.

That's where Transcribe comes in.

With our AI-powered transcript summarizer, you can turn those long-winded transcripts into concise, easy-to-read summaries in seconds. Let's dive into how you can use Transcribe to make your life a whole lot easier.

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What is a transcript summary?

A transcript summary is a concise version of a full transcript, highlighting the key points and most important information. By condensing lengthy audio or video transcriptions, transcript summaries allow you to quickly grasp the main ideas without having to read the entire transcript.

Benefits of using Transcribe for transcript summaries

Using the latest in AI technology, Transcribe's AI transcript summarizer provides you with clear, concise summaries in seconds. Here are the main benefits of using Transcribe to summarize your video and audio transcripts:

Saves time and boosts productivity

With Transcribe, our AI handles the summarizing, freeing up time for you to spend on other, more important tasks. Thanks to our AI transcript summaries, you can get straight to the key points, without having to read through long transcripts.

Keeps everyone on the same page

Our transcript summaries mean that you can share key information with everyone that needs it. No matter how busy they are, these concise summaries mean they can stay up to date with the latest information.

Enhances accessibility

We believe in making information accessible for everyone. Clear and concise summaries ensure that non-native speakers and diverse audiences can easily understand the content.

Supports over 120 languages

Transcribe summarizes content in more than 120 languages - no matter the language of your original transcript. If the transcript is in English, for example, you can generate summaries in French, Spanish, Mandarin, and more to make your content accessible to a wider audience.

Streamlines workflows

Transcribe integrates with popular tools like Zoom, Gmail, and Google Drive for a seamless and efficient transcription workflow. Everything works together effortlessly, so you can focus on what you do best.

Who benefits from Transcribe's AI summaries?


Businesses use the transcript summary feature to keep their teams in the loop with quick, concise summaries of meetings and conference calls. They also use the feature to generate summaries in multiple languages to improve communication with international employees, partners, and clients.


Students use the transcript summary feature to enhance their study materials. By generating concise AI summaries of lectures and seminars, they can focus on learning and understanding, rather than transcribing and summarizing.


Academics use the transcript summary feature to streamline their research process by efficiently summarizing research discussions and academic conferences.


Journalists use the transcript summary feature to speed up their news reporting by creating brief AI summaries of interviews and press conferences. This helps them get the essential details out fast, so they can break the news first.


Podcasters use the transcript summary feature to make their episodes more accessible with clear, concise summaries. Summaries also help them to engage their audience by providing the highlights at a glance.

How to summarize transcripts using Transcribe

1. Transcribe your audio or video file

Upload your audio or video file to Transcribe or use our live transcription feature.

Check out our guide on how to transcribe audio or how to transcribe video for step-by-step instructions.

2. Open the transcript in the online editor

The summary feature is currently only available in the online editor - we're working on adding this feature to our app, and it will be available soon.

3. Click AI Extras

Click the diamond icon in the bottom right of the online editor to open the AI Extras menu.

4. Click the Add button next to Document Summary

5. Click Summarize

Choose your desired language for the summary, then click Summarize.

6. Your transcript summary is ready!

7. Edit, export, or share your transcript summary

Once the summary is ready, you can edit it, export it, or share it with others in your preferred format - with or without timestamps.

Ready to get a transcript summary?

Say goodbye to information overload and hello to efficiency! Try our AI-powered transcript summarizer today and see for yourself how much time you can save.

Download the Transcribe app or launch the online editor to get started.

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